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Descriptions - Foundation Events
Do I Love Myself?
There are some who say; “If we do not love ourselves or at the very least really like ourselves then we are severely hindering our ability to love anyone else and in fact making it almost impossible for someone to love us”. There are others who say; “The way that we actually love ourselves is through others. We learn to love ourselves through our experiences of how we act towards and interact with the people in our lives.” If we are looking for peaceful lives and secure relationships there is simply nothing more important than “The Love of Self”. Join us on this journey of awareness and self-discovery as we explore the barriers that are blocking us from the happiness we seek. If you have never been out to an A Conscious Partner event please be prepared for a very social and fun environment. There will be plenty of laughter some great conversation and a safe environment. Come on out to this fun and innovative way of promoting awareness and growth in yourself and others. Attachment Style
Our attachment styles impact all types of relationships from partner, to parents, to child to friends and neighbours. There really is nothing more important to understand about yourself and your partner! It affects everything from our partner selection, to how well our relationships progress and even to how they end. That is why recognizing our attachment pattern can help us understand our strengths and vulnerabilities in a relationship. This event is designed for anyone and everyone... young, old, single or married. It is information and tools to use that will give you the chance to improve all of your relationships, whether at home at work or with relatives! Young or old, single or in a relationship, any gender, any lifestyle… all are welcome for this fun and interactive event. Discover Your Core Values
Many people think that values are ethics or morals; they’re not. Values are what is important to us, what we ‘value’, and what gives us purpose. Each person’s values are unique to that person; even if two people happen to pick the same value word, such as integrity, each person will demonstrate it differently in their daily actions and language. “If you don’t take control of your life, someone else will”. Personal values offer a form of focus because it becomes clear to you what’s important to YOU and no-one else. Because let’s face it – if we don’t know what’s important to us, how can we live a meaningful life? But the truth is, most people coast through life without any kind of consideration for what is truly important to them. This means that unfortunately for many, life is something that ‘just happens’ to them. Join us for an event that can literally change your life (check out our REVIEWS!) Explore Your Personality
We all have a variety of "traits," and it is easy to view yourself as having both positive and negative aspects. Exposing and understanding your personality will help you to understand that everything about you is interconnected and that your "weaknesses" are just as much a part of you as your "strengths." We see and interact with the world in different ways. No personality type is "better" than any other – just different; and each perspective brings something new and exciting to the table. This event is designed for anyone and everyone... young, old, single or married. It is information and tools to use that will give you the chance to improve all of your relationships, whether at home at work or with relatives! Young or old, single or in a relationship, any gender, any lifestyle… all are welcome for this fun and interactive event. Let's explore, understand, and appreciate our differences, but first, let’s discover them! What is Love?
Love is a complex and vast array of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs associated with strong feelings another person. Love can also be used to apply to people, animals, to principles, and even to inanimate objects. Love has been a favored topic of philosophers, poets, writers, and scientists for generations, and different people and groups have often fought about its definition. While we can debate all day along about what love is, it is often a little easier to help us all understand what love isn’t. Love is not possessive. Love is not codependent. Love is not an empty feeling. Love is not about serving someone else. Love is not making someone else happy. Love is not "walking on eggshells". We would think that love has a universal meaning, but “I love you” might mean something quite different to different people. Come and join us for this epic journey to see if we can get a better understanding of what love is. Young or old, single or in a relationship, any gender, any lifestyle… all are welcome for this fun and interactive event. |