If we are looking for a compatible partner, the starting place should be The 8 Conscious Connections. It's easy to get caught up in one or two of them, maybe the physical connection and the Chemistry Connection, but just two connections aren't enough to create a lasting relationship. It's not about being a "match", it's about understanding and being "compatible" in all the ways that are important in a long term relationship. It’s about understanding all of the ways that we might run into future conflict and then having those discussions early in the relationship so that misunderstandings can be reduced over time. If you are couple, this is a chance to improve your relationship. If you are single, this is a chance to make sure you are truly compatible before entering a new relationship! |
In most relationships, it is our "expectation" that our partner will value our needs and desires as much as their own. Needs and expectations can fuel and influence how we relate, react, and respond to everything that we do and to everyone around us. But most of us don’t even realize that we have these expectations until we find ourselves feeling disappointed, upset, and experiencing a great deal of confusion within the struggles of life. This event will help us see that sometimes it is our own expectations that are the problem rather than our partner. |
If we want to find someone that will help us find inner peace, shouldn't we know what that is so that we can identify it when we do find it? The world can be an intimidating and tumultuous place that brings with it significant stress and trauma. Inner peace is the state of calm that we feel within ourselves even when our surroundings, the people around us and our relationships might seem a little chaotic! Our lives and relationships should be the place where we can achieve that inner peace simply by being together, and if it doesn't, then the first question we should be asking is "why not?". |
When we approach our relationships with a checklist in our hand, it sets us up for disappointment, and in many cases PREVENTS us from developing the relationship that we are looking for because we are trying to force the relationship in a particular direction rather than letting it grow on it's own. We are all guilty of being narrow-minded at times because society tends to dictate how we should act, what we should expect and what our relationships should look like. Being conscious in our lives and relationships means that we have taken the time to examine who we really are and what we really want from life. Maybe if we approach relationships with a fresh perspective, and an open mind, we might be able to find exactly what we are looking for. |
A sixth sense, a hunch, or a gut feeling: Whatever we choose to call it, is the sudden flash of insight from deep within that can inspire us in the right direction if we are attuned at how to listen to it. The old saying “trust you gut” refers to trusting these feelings of intuition, often as a way to stay true to ourselves when life presents us with decisions or opportunities that may have a number of different options. Following our instinct is ONE of the many methods of feedback that we can use to can direct us toward the best path for us. Let's explore what it is, how to read and and how we can use it to improve our lives and relationships. |
The research is pretty clear that when people are focused on making sure that their partner fits certain criteria, their relationships tend to be full of dissatisfaction and self-doubt. When we get too focused on WHAT they are as opposed to who they are and what they can become, it's easy for us to fall into the trap of winning in the short term and losing in the long term. Lives and relationships change and grow and when we put too much focus on exactly what someone is today, we lost sight of who they might be when our lives change and we need to make adjustments. Our perfect match is often going to be someone that has traits and characteristics that many of us would never be able to write down in the first place. It's a feeling more than something that we might list on a piece of paper. |