Relationships are Complicated...
...and they get more complicated all the time. Couple communication has always had its difficulties, but it used to be limited to talking, phone calls and maybe letters. Life has changed and now we communicate through texting, messaging, emailing, Snap Chat, Twitter, memes, Facebook and so much more. |
There are now a countless number of ways to miscommunicate how you feel and misinterpret what other people mean. This is why Social Media has become one of the leading causes of relationship issues. It isn't because of social media itself; it's more about us. The way we use it creates distance, jealousy and unfair comparisons. |
Will a Conscious Relationship Help?
Yes, the goal of being in a Conscious Relationship is to develop effective awareness and communication skills that we need in order to avoid the many pitfalls that we can run into every day. It doesn't stop there though. A Conscious Relationship is about living in the now. It's about staying current and making sure that our relationship adjusts as the world changes around us. |
Do You Have a Smartphone?
Do you get regular updates for your phone? What would happen if you didn't get the updates? Would your device slowly become less effective... until one day it would become meaningless? Doesn't your relationship deserve updates? |